Rock Christopher Marketing

Brand Marketing Models, Strategy, Startup & AI Income Advisory, & Publishing

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What's in a Brand Name?

Rock Christopher Marketing and Publishing is named for ...

When I created my first social media account on Twitter the username was limited by space,
so the Rock Christopher username fit. I also wanted to use the same exact brand name in every 
social media network possible. My other consideration was creating a unique and exclusive 
brand name. Also, "Rock" is my real-life nickname.

For example, I did not want to compete or conflict on Twitter or any other social media
with a high-profile brand name like the famous basketball player Chris Paul.
Additionally, I am writing books and once again decided that this was an author’s
brand name that I liked the best for these reasons as well. 

For one, I thought that Rock Christopher would be more memorable and have more impact.
Beyond the fact that I was long ago in a Rock n Roll band and managed many bands
to put myself through years of college, I had a cherished compliment once that made
me see a purpose for social good in the name "Rock".  For all of these reasons and
a few others, the strategic decision was made, and the "Rock Christopher" brand was born.

My point in sharing all of this is to give you an example of the importance of thinking 
strategically when developing your brand name. It is critical to not only develop and 
employ a name that is available as a domain name and as a username in social media, 
but also one that gives you the image that your start-up, business, project, product, 
or personal brand needs to be entirely unique and exclusive. 

I bought the domain name the day I registered @RockChristopher 
on Twitter /, which gave me an additional exclusivity with that brand name.  
If you have a start-up business or project that you need to name, my consulting 
and planning services can help you create and capture a name that not only correctly 
identifies who you are, but we will also provide this same type of thoughtful analysis, 
preparation, and development to help you capture a truly unique and effective 
brand name and image. 

On an important personal note ... 

Some of the main reasons I chose the content and theme of Personal and Business Motivation, 
and Encouragements of
@RockChristopher on twitter were personal ones.

In addition to wanting to create and build a brand name, build a proven social media 
system and understand the best practices of building quality content and a 
Twitter account, I had arrived at a point in life where, as Steve Job's said, 
"I wanted to put a ding in the universe."

I had a personal life experience that many people go through. But, in a short
span of years many of 
my immediate family members, extended family members
and some close friends passed away.

It altered the way I looked at life dramatically and compelled me to cherish each day,
find true contentment in being consistently grateful 
and compelled me to want to
make a serious impact in this world for social good. 

I wanted the account to be a place where I could always communicate values and things 
that really mattered to inspire and impact the lives of others. I wanted to make a tangible
difference in the lives of people and encourage them to care enough to make a 
difference in the lives of others. 

On #SuccessTRAIN Monday I post over 400 social media post sharing the Business
Profiles of active Members on SuccessCENTER that are also on #SuccessTRAIN to help 
them as a small business or entrepreneur in a tangible way. We don't just say we
#ThriveTOGETHER but we do something significant to help these businesses and individuals.
Our community does it for free and we have seen a significant reach of 100 million social reach a 
week on our hashtag #SuccessTRAIN. Now a number of top Social Media Influencers join in and
help retweet or share the post that we generate giving us tremendous engagement and 

In addition to @RockChristopher I created a number of other niche Twitter / accounts 
enabling me to focus on different aspects of my business experience, in order to help 
others (most of which have matching domain names and are being considered as 
future web or blog projects).  

Twitter / Accounts - Here are a few examples:

@WritersNetGuide - On Twitter focused on providing the best of the best 
                             information for Writers, aspiring Writers, Published Authors,
                             Agents, Publishers, and anyone interested in advancing in the
                             world of Writing and Content development.

@NetVentures -      Rock is the President of Net Ventures Marketing, LLC.
                            which publishes 
                             @NetVentures is the Twitter Account for Net Ventures Marketing, LLC.

@RockSolidAdvice - Twitter / X account focused on Business and Success Advice

@MySuccessTRAIN - #SuccessTRAIN Community Twitter / X  Account

@ThriveInAI - Now You Can - #ThriveInAI - Supporting the Thrive in AI Book Series
                         by Rock Christopher

@RockAvenueMall - Twitter / X  account focused on Sharing and Promoting Small Business

These and other social media accounts managed by Rock are currently
followed by over 1 million people.

Community Builder - 

Rock Christopher is Founder and the #SuccessTRAIN Business Network. - 2024
has 120,000+ members, 140,000+ pages, 375,000 pageviews and over 2.2 million monthly.
SuccessCENTER business membership sign-ups have doubled in 2024.

Rock created the #RockC and #SuccessTRAIN #BusinessMonday Leadership Community and Network 
on Twitter with a social reach of 100+ million weekly.. 

Rock also Co-Created #JoyTrain Community ( with Kari Joys (@KariJoys) that 
has a global hashtag reach of also of more than 200+ million in 81 Countries.

@RockChristopher Social Media Influencer -

  • Chosen in Top 5 Worldwide Finalist in Social Media Shorty Award for Social Good Category -  #KeepGoodGoing" 
  • @RockChristopher - Top 1% Social Media Influencer - (2020 and
  • Rock has been offered Business Sponsorships for Social Media Post as a Social Media Influencer.
  • Quality Content Shared - 2022 @RockChristopher is ranked by for number of Retweets in the top 1% of Twitter with a reported 99.83% retweet rate. 
  • @RockChristopher is followed by 40 of Forbes Magazine List of Top 50 Social Media Influencers 

Rock also won national awards in Advertising and Public Relations prior to the Internet. 
Rock has served in executive positions as CEO or President of various companies
in the Internet, Computer, Medical Distribution and Advertising Industries.

  • Advertising Addy Awards
    Account Executive with a Creative Team - winners of 
    numerous Addy Award with 4A Advertising Agencies handling National 
    Corporate Accounts Campaigns for TV, Radio and Magazines. 

  • Event Management and Marketing - 
    Worked for Murdock Advertising - Promotional Agency that handled
    Event Management and Marketing for the City of Jacksonville, Florida. 
    Became Director of their first Florida Computer and Business Tradeshow.  
    Director of five shows annually. Won marketing awards from the 
    Florida Department of Commerce and the Orlando Sentinel.

  • Public Relations  -
    Recipient of Four State Southern Public Relations Award for Earth Week Celebration Event
  • Print Mail Piece Design Award -
    Recipient of a Graphic Design Printers Guild Award in Jacksonville Florida
    Direct Mail Piece for Great Southern Computer and Electronic Show

  • Awarded “Boss of the Year” from Governor of the State of Florida
  • Chosen in Top 5 Worldwide Finalist in Social Media Twitter
    Shorty Award for Social Good Category - #KeepGoodGoing" 

  • The "Thrive In AI" book series will be released end of 2024 thru early 2025

    providing valuable resources for leveraging AI technology for individuals,

    leaders, entrepreneurs and businesses.

    Thrive in AI Book Series to include:  

     ▪️ AI Creation Apps: 777+ Generative AI Tools for Content Creation, Marketing & Productivity
        with Links to 10,000+ AI Resources

     ▪️ AI Income Guide - Overview and step by step guides of the Top 40 Ways to Earn
       Income Online using AI by Rock Christopher and Co-Author Amy Neumann.

    ▪️ AI Income Ideas - 777 AI Income Ideas by Rock Christopher

    ▪️ AI Tools Free for All - Completely Free AI Tools by Rock Christopher

    For AI info updates related to the book launches visit and @ThriveInAI
    on and search #ThriveInAI in various social media platforms.


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